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Dashboards and reports throughout the platform provide insight into all activities happening across a risk management program as well as in-depth analysis of risks, compliance, and maturity.
Cybersecurity and risk management systems are often singularly focused on the technology stack when assessing risk. When our Intelligent Insights Engine scores risk and prioritizes remediation, it takes human and process-variables into consideration. This provides the most complete view of risk with better accuracy in scoring than technology-focused solutions alone.
Every business is different in the way they use their assets, and in the decisions they make for prioritizing remediations and improvements. Our Intelligent Insights Engine factors in the context of your unique business operation while calculating the severity of a risk score.
Getting started is fast and simple. Less than 2 hours is needed for initial setup & training, handling (not assigning) assigning your first assessment, and seeing results back. At CybrHawk we go to great lengths to secure your data and ensure reliable storage.
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