
Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond & Recover

Our comprehensive & cost-effective approach help you guard your cyber infrastructure and other sectors that are important to economy and national security.

CybrHawk Security Assessment

Cybersecurity framework is an actionable guideline for organizations to better manage and reduce these cybersecurity threats. The core of the framework consists of five functions:
Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond & Recover. The framework offers set of cybersecurity measures based on principles, guidelines and procedures that companies can tailor to suit their requirements.
Cyber Security Framework

Cyber Security Core Functions

The Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity Framework as many of us refer to it, is collaborative guidelines for organizations to better manage and reduce their risk of cybersecurity.


Organizations need to develop an understanding of their environment in order to manage the risk of cyber security for networks, resources, information and capacities. In order to fulfill this function, full visibility of your digital and physical assets and their interconnections, defined roles and responsibilities, understanding your current risks and exposure, and putting in place policies and procedures for managing those risks are essential.


Organizations need to develop and implement the necessary protections to restrict or mitigate the effect of a possible cybersecurity incident. To comply with this requirement, the company should track access to digital and physical resources, provide awareness and training, set up processes to secure data, manage network configuration baselines and operations to fix system components in a timely manner, and implement protective technologies to ensure cyber resilience.


Organizations need to take appropriate action to detect cybersecurity incidents quickly. To serve this purpose, it is essential to introduce continuous monitoring solutions that detect anomalous activity and other threats to operational continuity. To foresee a cyber incident and have all the information at hand to respond to one, the company must have transparency in its networks. Continuous surveillance and tracking threats are very effective ways of detecting and avoiding cyber-attacks in ICS networks.


If a cyber incident occurs, the effects must be managed by organizations. To comply with this requirement, the company should create a response plan, identify communication lines among the relevant parties, collect and analyze information about the case, conduct all the activities necessary to eliminate the incident and integrate lessons learned into revised response strategies.


Recover: Following a cyberattack, a disaster recovery strategy tries to maintain business operations. At CybrHawk, we help you through the analytics process to determine your next steps and guide you along a line of inquiry so you can regain control of your data.”

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